Create Your Student Profile
Now you have completed the initial registration for your ApplyBoard account, follow these steps to create your profile.
Disclaimer: Some links in this article require a quick, free registration with AppylyBoard to access. Sign up now to unlock additional resources and start your study abroad journey with ApplyBoard!
Step 1. Complete Your Profile
Once you are logged in, select "Complete Profile" from your dashboard.
Step 2. Personal Information
Input your personal information, including but not limited to:
- Name
- Date of Birth (DOB)
- Country of Residence
- Passport Number
Step 3. Education Summary
Add your education background by clicking "Add Attended School" and ensure to save each institution as you go.
Step 4. English Test Scores
Provide English test scores and GRE or GMAT, if applicable.
Step 5. Visa History
Please include information regarding your visa history. Answer all questions regarding your refusals (if any) and any additional information.
Step 6. Save and Continue
Once you have completed all of the required steps, click "Save & Continue".
Next Steps
You have now successfully created your Student Profile! Now it's time to start applying to programs and creating your application(s). Not sure where to start? Use our helpful tool to get a Program Recommendation! You can also refer to our helpful guide on Choosing a Study Abroad Destination and Program.